Any conversation about fitness actually begins from our kitchen. That’s exactly the place from where health, harmony and happiness originate. So without further ado, here goes our guideline…
Let’s do this! Please help me improve Schools Fitness Week by filling out this feedback form here:…
Videoların altına gelen yorum ve soruları cevapladığımız ‘Bütün soruları cevaplıyoruz’ serimize 3.Videomuzla devam ediyoruz. Sorularımızı Orhan Hocamız cevaplıyor. İyi seyirler.
TIMESTAMPS 00:52 How and when did you start your fitness journey? 03:55 What muscle do you train the most each week? (workout plan) 05:20 What’s your favourite dessert? 06:32 Do you count…
Estos serán los objetivos: Acaba con la flacidez de los brazos, esto lo puedes hacer siguiendo estas repeticiones para los tríceps. Levanta la cola: puedes fortalecer tus glúteos con unas…
Você sabia que treinar no frio pode trazer benefícios para o seu corpo? A ciência explica! ⛄ Referências: Harvard Health Letter – Out in the cold…
VÍDEO COMPLETO: ❤ ¿Eres la reina del pop, una vida sin nombre, un montón de ilusión? Si es así, ya lo tienes hecho. Si no, hoy te explico cómo ser una auténtic…
Meg Squats here at the Arnold Sports Festival. We’re going to walk around and giveaway supplements to some of our strong, strong friends waiting in the massive line at the…