What are our favourite fitness apps of 2018 so far? Well most of them are new, only one remains on our phones from previous years. In this video we are going to share our top 5 for everything…
Hey fitness gang our day started off rough BUT we ended up doing a park workout instead of the gym! and we loved it! Want to pour into our lives financially here is our Paypal: paypal.me/Minusthe…
Australian Army Fitness Explained will be an interactive Stream to answer any and all of the questions that you may have in regards to Army Enlistment, the PFA, the PESA, BFA, fitness preparation…
Two Male Models in a crazy Fitness Showdown! Brett Maverick vs Mario Adrion: Who will win?! Watch the Video we did on Brett’s channel: https://youtu.be/YsUia6BkBWc Like if you want to see…
Follow Steve Cook – https://www.youtube.com/user/swoldiernation https://www.instagram.com/stevecook/ You can follow me on my page https://www.facebook.com/dimitardimitrovweb and Instagram https://w…
Ejercicio ideal para empezar con un entrenamiento en casa para reactivar tus brazos y tonificarlos. 4 Series son suficientes dos veces por semana. Entrena con Ana Mojica Fitness Mi faja y proteína…
Hey Guys! Here is my second travel vlog to Paris with my beauuuuutiful squad Definitely needed this trip to simply relax and ENJOY LIFE!!! Travelling without worrying about… ‘oh no carbs,…
Vezi ediția integrală pe ANTENAPLAY: https://goo.gl/gaMXUJ La Cupa Mondială de Culturism și Fitness de la Cluj-Napoca vor fi prezenți peste 1000 de participanți străini. Abonează-te…