Given to Odd Hougen on his 58th birthday and with his name carved in, Odd has given the 2018 Strongman competitors one of their most formidable events yet. The odd-shaped stone has been buffed…
Promise I fixed my unibrow after this lol. Hope this video helped anyone who is going through similar struggles! Patreon: Twitter:…
10 strongmen compete in 5 events over 2 days for the title of Arnold Strongman Classic Champion. The Timber Carry (1:45-3:15 p.m. EST) The Rogue Elephant Bar Deadlift (3:15-5:30 p.m. EST)… just arrived in Columbus, Ohio and we’re setting up for the Arnold Classic Fitness Expo. Make sure to stop by our booth to pickup samples of our Signature Supplements! ▻…
Va multumesc pentru ca m-ati urmarit! Program Slabire Incepatori Gratuit – Program Masa Incepatori Gratuit – Hainele – Program…
Muito se fala em alergias e intolerâncias alimentares… Mas afinal, qual a diferença entre elas? Ou será que é tudo a mesma coisa? ???? ——————————————————-…
Hey everyone! I’ve got another video for you guys, and if you are new to my channel then hello my name is Lucy and I upload videos about my workouts, what I eat in a day, and some…
Vous vous êtes déjà demandé à quoi ressemble la journée d’un créateur de contenu FITNESS ? – Clique sur `Plus` ! – 75% de ma journée est dédiée à la création de contenu, à l’interactio…